Drivers are urged to share the roads safely with other road users.

Safety message for all road users

Tipperary County Council, An Garda Síochána, the Road Safety Authority (RSA), Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), Tipperary Fire and Rescue Service and the National Ambulance Service are joining together to urge motorists and pedestrians to exercise caution on Tipperary roads this Christmas and New Year.

This has been a very difficult year for road safety in Tipperary. Too many families in Tipperary have been devastated by road trauma and the loss of, or serious injury to, a loved one in 2023.


Drivers are urged to plan a way home and make safe choices if they plan to drink or use drugs:

- Choose a designated driver

- Book a taxi or hackney

- Use public transport

- Or just simply refuse to drink and drive.

Pedestrians are urged to ‘Be Safe, Be Seen’, wear a hi-vis vest and remember that you are 300 times more likely to be seen at night if you wear a hi-vis vest than if you don’t.

Marcus O’Connor, Director of Services for Roads with Tipperary County Council, said: “Road deaths have a devastating impact on families and communities. I urge drivers to share the roads safely with other road users, especially pedestrians, this Christmas. Slow down and drive at speeds which are appropriate to the road and weather conditions.

“If you are planning on drinking remember that alcohol and driving do not mix. Designate a driver who will not drink to ensure that you can all get home safely.”

Inspector Paul Slattery of the Roads Policing Unit in Tipperary added: “While alcohol remains the most frequently detected intoxicant in driving in Ireland, cannabis and cocaine detection in drivers is continuing to increase. A combination of drugs and alcohol can have a very serious effect on a person’s safe driving ability which may result in serious injuries or death.

“ I urge all road users to act responsibly and not to drink or drug drive when using the roads throughout the Christmas and New Year period. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs doesn’t happen by accident, it happens by choice - those choices could have catastrophic consequences. I appeal to all road users not to take risks on the road and to make safer choices however you use the road. Drivers should remember that it is a criminal offence to drive, attempt to drive or be in charge of a car if you don’t have proper control due to alcohol or drugs.”


Eilish McDonagh, Senior Road Safety Promotion Officer with the Road Safety Authority (RSA) in Tipperary, added: “If you are planning to head out socialising over the Christmas or New Year period, remember to plan how you are going to get home in advance. Designate a driver or organise a taxi, hackney, minibus, or public transport. Be aware too of the dangers of drink driving the morning after.

“Remember, even one drink can impair performance behind the wheel. Nothing is as important as maintaining focus, keeping a high level of performance and mental sharpness when you are driving. You put all that at risk if you take even one drink and drive. Drink driving is drink driving no matter what time of the day or week it happens.

“We have made great progress in road safety in the past and we can again if we all commit to it by being aware and vigilant and taking responsibility for our own safety and the safety of other road users.”