Deputy McGrath believes changing the planning laws for log cabins, would make their construction more accessible and affordable.

Log cabins could alleviate housing crisis

Rural Independent TDs, under the leadership of Mattie McGrath, urge immediate government action to alleviate the rural housing crisis. They propose a two-pronged approach: relaxing planning laws for log cabins and issuing the long-awaited statutory rural planning guidelines. McGrath also calls for an emergency ministerial order to expedite these changes.

Deputy McGrath, who addressed these issues with the housing minister in the Dail last week, stated:

“Despite pre-election promises from Fine Gael and Fianna Fail, the government has yet to publish new Rural Planning Guidelines. This has resulted in restrictive planning permissions for rural housing, forcing young people off their ancestral lands.

“With Ireland experiencing its worst housing crisis since independence, most new homes are being built as apartments or in major cities. The current planning laws, particularly for log cabins, are outdated and difficult to navigate.

“The Government’s new planning bill, currently before the Oireachtas, fails to address these restrictive rural planning laws. I am therefore again calling on the Minister for Housing to commit to changing the planning laws for log cabins, making their construction more accessible and affordable.

“The absence of a rural housing policy document leaves local authorities without a universal roadmap for rural housing policy. This results in discrimination against rural Ireland.

“I propose that the Government relaxes outdated planning laws to allow the construction of sustainable log cabin units without unnecessary planning permission requirements. This could be achieved by amending the planning regulations to facilitate the construction of temporary or permanent structures on family-owned lands in rural areas.

“Log cabins are a practical solution to the housing crisis. If the housing minister, who is also the planning minister, is serious about solving the housing crisis, he should act immediately.

“Modular housing, particularly log cabins, is an innovative and sustainable solution that offers greater housing choice. A clear planning policy on building log cabins could significantly address the housing crisis.

“The Government must define a clear planning policy for the construction of log cabins in rural areas. Log cabins could serve as primary residences during housing shortages, rent pressures, and pending evictions. They are a relevant solution, especially considering rising construction costs. Failure to support the provision of log cabins will result in increased homelessness and exacerbate the housing crisis.”