Eleanor Maher with Cllr Ger Darcy at the selection convention.

Fine Gael select new candidate for elections

Eleanor Maher has been selected by Fine Gael to represent the party in the Nenagh Electoral Area for the 2024 Local Elections.

The convention took place in Ardcroney Community Centre last week to a packed hall.

It was chaired by Minister of State Kieran O’Donnell. Also present among the party delegates were, Senator Garret Ahearn and local Fine Gael Councillors Phyll Bugler, Ger Darcy and Noel Coonan.

A native of Carney, in the parish of Puckane, Maher has been actively involved in the community as Manager of the Ardcroney, Carrigahorig and Milford Group Water Schemes.

She is also a committee member of the Carney Village Community Group, the Rural Water Monitoring Programme, and the Tipperary Federation of Group Water Schemes. Her job entails the delivery of quality water to 360 homes and businesses.

Works completed were replacing the water supply source in Ardcroney, and the critical mains replacement near Carrigahorig.

Grant funding was achieved by Maher through the local authority from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHGLH).

These upgrades have been significant in improving the water quality and leak control in our communities.

Speaking after the selection, Maher said: “My ambition now is to bring the experience I have gained on a local level, to represent the people and the area that I grew up in.

“As a mother of three teenage children, one of whom has special needs, I want to ensure that Nenagh and the surrounding areas is the best possible place to live, raise a family and grow old in. All communities are entitled to expect and to receive quality public services from their Local Authority and you can be assured that this will be my priority if elected.

“Other areas I hope to prioritise will be to improve services for the elderly and children with disabilities. I will also support and advocate for farmers and other local businesses to keep our community thriving.

“I am looking forward to running an energetic campaign and to meet as many people at the doors to go through the issues affecting them and discuss how we can work together to get the job done.”