Shane Mulcahy and John Sherlock (Order of Malta) with Criona and Tom Boland (Defibs for Life) at the Defibillator Station located outside Bank of Ireland branch in Nenagh. Photo: Bridget Delaney

Defibrillator used in Nenagh emergency

Incident highlights benefit of device location awareness

One of Nenagh's public-access defibrillators was used last Saturday week when a man collapsed in a local shop.

The device was taken to the shop from the wall-mounted cabinet outside the Bank of Ireland. Several people came to the unconscious man's aid and commenced chest compressions while also using the defibrillator until an ambulance arrived around 10 minutes after being called.

Sadly, the man, who is understood to have been from County Limerick, died later that day at University Hospital Limerick. But the incident highlighted the benefit of knowing where Nenagh's public-access defibrillators are and what to do in an emergency.

One of the people who came to the man's aid was a Transition Year student who had recently completed a course in CPR. She said the first response education she learned really stood to her in the incident and she encouraged others to inform themselves about what to do in the event of future emergencies.

The pads have been changed on the defibrillator outside the bank and it is now ready for use again. It was installed several years ago by the Order of Malta, members of which ensure it is kept maintained.

Order member John Sherlock reckons this defibrillator has been used around 10 times over the years. He pointed out that it is the most centrally located and probably the best-known of Nenagh's defibrillators.

Mr Sherlock welcomed the response of local people to the recent incident. He encouraged members of the public to take part in first responder courses, but added that people should never be afraid of using any of the town's defibrillators in the event of an emergency.

“If you have done a course at some stage, it would help to get over the fear factor of doing it,” Mr Sherlock said. “But the ambulance service are brilliant. They are on the phone with you and between the ambulance service and the defibrillator itself talking to you, you almost can't go wrong.

“You do hear cases of people who have never done a course being able to do the needful with the help of the ambulance controller.

“The people in the call centre are all trained paramedics as well - they will stay on the phone with you. Put your phone on speaker, put it down beside you, and they and defibrillator will talk you through it.”


Mr Sherlock had for years called for the installation of readily accessible defibrillators - in unlocked cabinets not requiring access codes - in the town of Nenagh and surrounding areas. This lead to further defibrillators being installed outside Mulrooney's service station on the Borrisokane Road; Anna Kelly's pharmacy beside Lidl; Costello's service station on Ciamáltha Road, and at Éire Óg's complex in Gortlandroe.

He and his Order of Malta colleagues recently assisted in the Defibs for Life campaign, a hugely successful fundraising drive that last year saw the installation of 10 new defibrillators in distinctive yellow LED-lit cabinets.

These units are all available 24/7 and are located at: Sheedy’s Centra, Clare Street; Cleary’s Daybreak, Limerick Road; Parish House (opposite St Mary of the Rosary Church), Church Road; FBD Insurance, Kenyon Street; Nenagh AFC complex, Brickfields; Nenagh Guardian, Summerhill; The Fitness Factory at Castlebrand; Muintir na Tíre Hall, Ballycommon; Portroe Village Hall, Kilgarvan Quay (at the public toilet block).

Over 400 people were trained in either basic or certified CPR as part of the Defibs for Life campaign. The local group has also been adding each device location to Google Maps, so people searching for ‘defibrillator’ in Google Maps will see those in the locality straight away.

Defibs for Life invites any local school, group or organisation wanting to have a defibrillator installed to make contact. The group can also arrange courses in first response.

Contact or phone 0852023385 to discuss the options. You can also follow the Defibs for Life Facebook page, Instagram and X.