Artist Giulia Coli is delighted with the popularity of her exhibition at the Middle Country Café in Cloughjordan. And there's still a chance to see it.

Clough’ art exhibition a big success

The vibrant hues of spring came alive at the opening of the much-anticipated art exhibition, ‘Springtime: A New Beginning’, showcasing a stunning collection of acrylic paintings celebrating the beauty of Irish animals and landscapes.

Held at the Middle Country Café, Cloughjordan, the event marked the debut solo exhibition of talented artist Giulia Coli, and it was nothing short of a resounding success.

Art enthusiasts and nature lovers alike gathered at the venue to immerse themselves in the captivating world of Giulia's creations. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement and appreciation as guests marvelled at each intricately crafted piece, which vividly captured the essence of Ireland's rich fauna and picturesque scenery.

The turnout on opening night was a heartwarming testament to the support and encouragement extended by the local community towards emerging artists. Giulia expressed her gratitude to everyone who graced the event, acknowledging their role in making her debut exhibition a memorable one.

A special thanks was also extended to the Middle Country Café for providing the perfect setting to showcase the exquisite body of work. The venue's commitment to promoting local artists and fostering a thriving arts scene has been instrumental in nurturing emerging talents like Giulia.


For those who have yet to experience the enchanting beauty of ‘Springtime: A New Beginning’, there's still ample opportunity to do so. The exhibition will be open to the public from Wednesday to Sunday, between the hours of 9am to 4pm, until April 21. Whether you're seeking inspiration over brunch or simply craving a dose of artistic upliftment with your morning coffee, make sure to mark your calendars and pay a visit to this captivating showcase of talent and creativity.

Don't miss out on the chance to immerse yourself in the uplifting power of art and rediscover the splendor of Irish nature through the eyes of a promising new artist. Come, be enchanted by the magic of ‘Springtime: A New Beginning’.

Giulia Coli said: “I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Shirley, Jeanne, and Ben for their invaluable support and dedication in bringing the opening night of ‘Springtime: A New Beginning’ to fruition.”

special thanks

“A special thank you is also due to Helen, whose eloquent speech and assistance with the hanging of the artwork added an extra layer of charm and professionalism to the event. Your enthusiasm for the arts is truly inspiring, and I am deeply appreciative of your contributions.

“To everyone who played a part in making this exhibition a success, whether through their presence, assistance, or encouragement, I extend my sincerest thanks. Your support means the world to me, and I am filled with gratitude for each and every one of you.”