The tree down at Templemore Town Park.

Storm Kathleen strikes in Templemore

Storm Kathleen left its mark on Templemore Town Park on Saturday morning when the great big European Birch tree outside the athletic track met its Waterloo, as it came crashing down during the high winds.

Thankfully, nobody was around as it fell but significant damage was caused to the generator in Páirc Shíleáin, which is used to run the floodlights at the JK Brackens grounds.

The tree was a particular favourite of many and will be sadly missed. European Birch commonly live to over 200 years old and typically grow to around 115 feet, making it highly likely that it was planted on the Carden estate in the early 19th century. One wonders how many took shelter underneath its vast arms over the last two centuries.

Pedestrians and motorists also had a lucky escape on the town square when a section of the safety fence currently surrounding the Town Hall also came down in the wind. The emergency services were quickly on hand and the fence was re-erected.