Alec McCormack (centre) with John Hayes prior to officiating in the FAI Senior Cup in 2023.

Retirement of two popular Soccer referees

By Gary Culbert

Two popular local soccer referees have announced their retirement from the game after years of sterling service.

Alec McCormack has refereed in the North Tipperary & District League for fifteen seasons at all levels including schoolchildren, youths and junior. He has represented the North Tipp Branch of the ISRS with great pride, in Munster Junior Cup, Youths Cup, and FAI Senior Cup. His pinnacle was refereeing an FAI Senior Cup match last season in Cooke Park, Tipperary Town between St Michael’s and Ballynanty Rovers.

Alec’s knowledge of the game and laws of the game has derived a lot of respect from managers, coaches, players, parents, and supporters alike, and has left a huge legacy to the game in North Tipperary and will be badly missed.

His colleague John Hayes also retired during the season. John served the branch for two terms, and in between he served in the Limerick District League at the highest level.

Personally, I have great memories of John’s approach to refereeing whenever I started playing at youths level, a time which coincided with John’s return to the NT & DL. John would always go out of his way to learn the names of both captains and introduce himself pre-game.

Both Alec & John officiated in all of the big cup finals at junior, youth, and all age groups and levels in the North Tipperary Schoolchildren’s Football League (NTSFL). It is incumbent on those following in their footsteps to honour their legacy through hard work, knowledge of the game and a respect for all involved.