A barbecue for the Nenagh Cancer Support Centre, Suaimhneas, and North Tipperary Hospice takes place in Seymour's Bar, Portroe, on Saturday, June 15.

Barbecue for Suaimhneas

A BARBECUE and auction in aid of the Suaimhneas Cancer Support Centre in Nenagh and the North Tipperary Hospice will be held in Seymour’s Bar, Portroe from 6pm on Saturday, June 15.

The event is being organised by cancer survivor Bernadette Ahern in appreciation of all the support she received from Suaimhneas during her illness.

The event will also feature a raffle for some lovely prizes. Sponsorship or any support for the event would be greatly appreciated.

Tickets for the barbecue, €10, can be purchased at Seymour’s Bar or can be got by contacting Bernadette on 087-6658600.