Pictured at the opening of the handball alley in Templemore in 1959 were: John Joe Walsh, Michael Connors, Thomas Ryan, Jimmy Sage, Phil Harrington, Jack Sage, Austin Kennedy, John McCarthy.

Castleiney Ball Alley upgrade project

Handball-like games have existed for thousands of years, with hieroglyphs in Egypt, dating back to 1300 BC, depicting priests playing a game very similar to handball.

The earliest written record of a similar game in Ireland is documented in the Statutes of Galway in 1527 when it was forbidden to play ball against the town walls. Irish immigrants brought the game to many countries in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries and it is still played in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Wales, Africa and England.

The GAA wrote the first rules for the modern game of handball, which was included in the GAA Charter of 1884. Its popularity quickly grew with courts popping up all over the country, including Castleiney, where fundraising had begun with a dance in the village hall in 1926. Duggan Brothers built the alley in early 1930.

The game in general declined in Ireland in the 1950s with emigration playing a huge part. The Irish weather also played its part with the game moving indoors due to the inclement conditions.

Templemore seemed to buck the National trend with St Patrick’s Handball Club formed in 1959 while handball continued to flourish in Castleiney right through the '60s and '70s. But as time ticked by, the alley in Templemore was demolished (1998) and Castleiney fell into disrepair.

But now the local community in Castleiney is looking to restore this much-loved amenity to its former glory with the erection of a back wall and a new floor with the aim of getting the game moving once again. While a grant has been sought, this will not cover the full cost so we must fundraise to get the project completed.

Your support with this project would be greatly appreciated to help us bring back this vital community resource for future generations to enjoy. Donations can be made by any of the following means:

Revolut - Eoin Brennan, 087 933 7412

Bank Transfer - IBAN: IE21 BOFI 904392 22597098

Returned by envelope to Eoin Brennan's Post Box, Eircode - E41V6K6

For enquiries please contact: castleineydevelopment@gmail.com.