Lough Derg Marina plan appealed

Residents object to two-house proposal in Ballina

A proposal by Lough Derg Marina Ltd to build two semi-detached dwellings in Ballina has been appealed to An Bord Pleanála.

Tipperary Co Council has refused planning permission for the company to provide a two-bedroom and three-bedroom dwelling over two storeys, together with hard and soft landscaping, including driveways, boundary fencing and all associated site works at Lakelands, Cullenagh.

The company’s planning application met with 11 submissions from Cullenagh residents, most of them objecting to the proposal over the size and scale of the houses.

A number of them submitted that “the proposed building dwarfs the houses on either side and overlooks the house at the rear of the site, depriving it of both light and privacy”. This, the residents claimed, would impact on amenity and devalue their property.

Issues were also raised around lack of site services, of surface water drainage impacting on neighbouring properties, and of lack of parking provision.

Residents agreed that the proposal is contrary to the Cullenagh Masterplan and a previous planning decision issued on the site by Tipperary Co Council and An Bord Pleanála.

A number of the residents that made submissions stated that they would have no objection to a single-dwelling development on the site if it would be consistent with existing neighbouring developments.

The council refused planning permission last month, concluding that due to the location, scale, height and design of the proposed dwellings, they would “result in negative impacts on adjoining residential amenity through overbearing and loss of light”.

“The proposed development would be overbearing and out of character with the established pattern of development in this area, would create an undesirable precedent for other similar development and would be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area,” the council considered.

The local planning authority was also not satisfied that the development site could accommodate onsite disposal of surface waters as proposed.

Lough Derg Marina has now appealed the council’s decision to An Bord Pleanála. The case is to be decided by October 14 next.