Taking part in the Vigils on Bridges - ‘Bridgils’ - on the M7. The Tipp public is urged to take part in the next Bridgil on Friday, June 28.

Tipperary plays role in bridge vigils campaign for Palestine

On the May Bank Holiday weekend, a co-ordinated national action took place to raise awareness around the plight of Palestinians in Gaza and Rafah. People in all 32 counties of Ireland held Vigils on Bridges, named ‘Bridgils’.

From Derry and Donegal to Cork, Kerry and Ballydehob, people lined Bridges, blocked traffic or simply acknowledged the supportive hoots of passing traffic. Here, closer to home, the North Tipperary Palestine Solidarity Campaign (NTIPSC), which comprises members of the Nenagh Friends of Palestine, the Cloughjordan Palestine Justice group and members from Borrisoleigh, Thurles and other towns in North Tipp, gathered to hang banners and flags from 16 bridges over the M7. About 60 people took part in this NTIPSC co-ordinated action, designed to attract attention from passing Bank Holiday traffic.

Some members of the Nenagh Friends joined those from East Clare for Palestine on the Killaloe Bridge that spans the Shannon to Ballina, and the boosted numbers there waved flags and banners for some hours in the hot Bank Holiday sun.

“The good weather helped with the feeling of solidarity, as many people were out and about and passing by and giving us loads of encouragement,” says Dr Margaret Hayes, a member of the NTIPSC on Killaloe Bridge.

“The 32 County ‘Bridgil’ action is a significant one and the Irish people as a whole have really thrown themselves into showing solidarity with the beleaguered Palestinians.

“Support on this national scale should have a response from our Government. It's clear the people of Ireland want a ceasefire and justice now. As a child and adolescent psychiatrist, I can't even imagine the impact this level of trauma must have on shattered families. It will take generations to overcome. Immediate intervention is needed to stop this relentless assault on human rights by the Israeli government, which is clearly out of control, and not responding to international pressure at all.” According to the NTIPSC, this visible show of solidarity in every single county of Ireland is so important for the Palestinians, who never get to see their own national flag, as its display in any form is banned by the Israeli Government. The members of the NTIPSC think that it’s now more important than ever to continue to show up at actions like this one.

“Whilst numbers in rural areas cannot match the numbers in towns and cities, every bridge counts,” says Eileen Brannigan, Chairperson of the NTIPSC.

“The fact that this Bridgil action happened on the same day and weekend all over Ireland, in every single county, with some counties having multiple towns participating, often on multiple bridges within those towns - it’s amazing.”

Dr Oliver Moore, from Cloughjordan Palestine Justice, adds: “The fact that Palestine has been finally recognised as a State by Ireland is a great first step and the Irish government was courageous to take that decision in a context where threats have been issued by the Israeli Government - even to the International Court of Criminal Justice - in the aftermath of any actions seen as pro-Palestinian, and they haven’t been sanctioned for issuing such threats….but this bullying game should be met with even fiercer resistance and more concrete action. It is past time that we divest all trade with Israel, especially of goods that can be used and are used in armaments.”

This 32 County Bridge Vigil (‘Bridgil’) action was organised by local IPSC groups all around the country, instigated and co-ordinated by a few dedicated volunteers from IPSC and other NGOs and groups supporting a ceasefire and an end to the killings in Gaza and Rafah. If you’d like to see more pictures and news from this event visit the Instagram account: @bridgil32eire.


The next all island Bridgil event is set to happen on Friday, June 28. Consider organising a vigil on a bridge near you! If you are interested in joining the North Tipperary branch of the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, or in being informed of ongoing actions that you can participate in, please email northtipperaryipsc@gmail.com.