Weekly guided tours of ancient monastic sites in Lorrha will be conducted by local historian James Heenan.

Tours of historic Lorrha start on July 4

Weekly guided tours of the historic monastic sites of Lorrha are due to start on Thursday, July 4, as the tourist season reaches its peak.

The tours, conducted by local historian James Heenan, will take place every Thursday evening at 7pm. The tours incorporate Saint Ruadhán’s Well, remains of two early high crosses, the 10th century Damliac (or stone church), Augustinian Priory, Motte and Bailey, Dominican Priory plus other features.

These fun and educational tours, lasting 90 minutes, include the local history, folklore and heritage of Lorrha village spanning almost 1,500 years.

There is also availablity for large group tours on Saturdays. For all details, phone or text James on 087 2031798.