Lough Derg RNLI launched to assist a person on a 27ft cruiser with engine failure

Lough Derg RNLI launched to assist a person on a 27ft cruiser with engine failure

At 1.35pm today, Monday 1 July, Valentia Coast Guard requested Lough Derg RNLI lifeboat to launch to assist a person on a 27ft cruiser that had suffered engine failure. The vessel was reported to be at anchor at Curraghmore Point, a location north east of Illaunmore.

At 1.50pm Lough Derg RNLI lifeboat Jean Spier launched with helm Eleanor Hooker, crew Joe O’Donoghue, Chris Parker, and James Corballis on board. The wind was north-westerly, Force 3 to 4. Visibility was good.

At 2pm the lifeboat had the casualty vessel in sight. It was at anchor close to shore at the given location. Using local knowledge and onboard navigation tools, the lifeboat steered a safe course to the cruiser.

Once alongside, an RNLI volunteer transferred across to the casualty vessel. The person on board was safe and unharmed and wearing their lifejacket. The vessel’s anchor was holding firm.

Given the isolated location, the fact that the skipper was alone and the diagnosis of engine failure, the helm made the decision to take the vessel under an astern tow to the nearest safe haven at Dromineer Harbour.

At 2.10pm, with an RNLI volunteer remaining on board with the skipper, the lifeboat had the vessel under an astern tow. As the lifeboat approached the Urra Channel the helm asked crew to make radio contact with the sailing coaches at Lough Derg Yacht Club to make them aware that the lifeboat had a vessel under tow and to request the junior sailing fleets keep a clear passage through Dromineer Bay.

Once through the Urra Channel and in Dromineer bay, the helm requested the crew to change the tow to an alongside tow to maintain maximum control in the crowded bay.

The casualty vessel was safely tied alongside in Dromineer Harbour at 3.24pm. The lifeboat departed the scene and was back at station at 3.30pm.

Peter Kennedy, Launching Authority at Lough Derg RNLI, advises boat users to ‘make sure your engine is serviced before you set out and that you carry a reliable means of communication’.