Terryglass Principal Noreen Sheridan retires

On Friday, June 21, Ms Noreen Sheridan closed the school door at Terryglass NS for the last time after a teaching career that spanned 39 years.

Noreen was principal in Scoil Colmáin Naofa, Terryglass, for 27 of those years.

The wider community, staff, children, parents and past pupils lined the pathway exiting the school to wish Ms Sheridan all the best in her retirement. The gathering proceeded to the local hall where a beautiful reception set up by a committee of parents then took place. Everyone was welcomed to the reception by the Board of Management Chairperson Mr John Curran. He highlighted Noreen’s remarkable commitment to the school, demonstrated by her 27 years present there. John explained that he was there as Chairperson of the BOM as well as a parent. He thanked Noreen sincerely on behalf of all the parents and children whom she had educated and cared for over her time as principal.

As John presented Noreen with a beautiful gift on behalf of the BOM and parents, he stated that whatever the next chapter held for her, everyone wished her good health, happiness and a wonderful retirement. Laura, the parent representative on the BOM, presented Noreen with a beautiful flower arrangement.

Noreen spoke and she thanked her family, especially her sister Margaret, who travelled to be with her on this occasion, and her brother James, who was unable to attend. Two of her best friends, Mary and Christine were also present and she was delighted to see them.

Noreen expressed her gratitude to John Curran, Chairperson of the BOM; Fr Michael Cooney, PP and the present staff Grace, Deirdre, Sandra and Niamh for their continued support.

Noreen’s teaching story began in 1985 in the Curragh Camp, teaching a class of 42 Junior Infant boys. She remained there for three years, then proceeding to becoming Principal of Ballyshannon NS for nine years. A native of Portroe, Noreen had a desire then to return home and began searching for a job in Tipperary. She was delighted when she was chosen as the successful candidate for the principal position here in Terryglass NS in September 1997.

Throughout her teaching career Noreen had been fortunate to work with great teachers, supportive parents and particularly in Terryglass, a fantastic school and wider community. Noreen used a lovely old Irish saying "Feileann spallaí do bhaillaí comh maith le cloche mora"- "It is the small stones that hold the wall together", to describe the children past and present of Terryglass NS.

Noreen spoke about the pleasure of seeing bright faces every morning, ready to experience not only the curriculum content but the most important life skills of making friends, being kind, having fun and finding out that even though we are all different, we have a great bond.

Noreen wished the school community all the best and said that the great memories of Terryglass will always be treasured.