Paul Spencer with Penny (first place) and Valerie Spencer.

Sun smiles on Roscrea dog show

Roscrea SPCA Fun Dog Show took place on Sunday, June 2, at Roscrea Rugby Grounds.

It was a lovely sunny day and the number of entries reflected this, as there were almost 90 dogs entered in 11 classes with first place winners from each class going forward to the Best in Show. Judge Martina Carroll was kept very busy as there were large numbers entered in each of the classes and every dog was beautifully turned out for their big day.

All of the classes were sponsored and class sponsors and other sponsors are mentioned on the Roscrea SPCA Facebook page. There was a raffle run over the course of the afternoon and all the prizes; trailer load of timber, voucher for home heating oil, and many other vouchers and hampers, which were donated by our sponsors, were gratefully received by all the raffle winners.

Everyone we spoke to said they had a lovely day and are looking forward to next year already!

The society would like to thank the following: Roscrea Rugby Club for the use of their fabulous facilities; Joe Bergin, who was such a driving force and got so much sponsorship and Sarah Egan, Martina Carroll, who was the show judge; Paul Dwyer, who provided the music and PA, PJ Wright for taking photos on the afternoon, Michelle Longhurst for face painting, James Hogan for stewarding the car park, Roscrea SPCA Officers and committee, and everyone who helped make the show such a great success.

The Best in Show was sponsored by Dimma Print Services, Roscrea, and was won by Terry Delaney with Biggy and Runner up was Maureen Connaghan with Toby.