Members of solidarity groups from Tipperary and Clare who took part in the demonstration. Photos: Anna Powell

Vigil in Killaloe highlights plight of Palestinians

By Anna Powell

A co-ordinated national action took place on June 28 around Ireland to raise awareness about the humanitarian catastrophe that is taking place in Palestine - including a local vigil where solidarity groups from Tipperary and Clare joined forces for a show of support on the bridge over the River Shannon at Ballina-Killaloe.

“In every county in Ireland people are standing on bridges and are doing a vigil, known as Brigils for Palestine,” Eileen Brannigan, Chair of the North Tipperary Palestine Solidarity Campaign, told The Guardian at the event.

This was the second time this vigil was held in all 32 counties across Ireland.

On Friday evening, local solidarity groups for Palcame together for their ‘Bridgil’ on the bridge at Ballina-Killaloe.

East Clare for Palestine, who normally hold a weekly vigil on Killaloe bridge every Friday evening, were joined by members of the North Tipperary Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the Cloughjordan Palestine Justice Group and Nenagh Friends of Palestine.

“It is a real morale boost to join events like this. We see that there are lots of local people who see the situation as any compassionate person would. It’s really encouraging to have everyone gathered here, giving up their Friday afternoon on a bridge, wanting to do something small to raise the awareness, to support Palestinians facing extermination. A lot of people are worried about being labelled ‘this or that’ by demonstrating, but you can see here today that it is made up of ordinary kind-hearted people showing solidarity with the most vulnerable of people on the planet,” commented Fergal McDonnell from Nenagh Friends of Palestine.


The vigil took place from 4-7pm and throughout that time participants received a lot of support from cars that were crossing over the bridge. “There is a lot of support. Anywhere we go, people do actually beep their horns in support. This kind of thing involves a lot of people who wouldn’t normally come out and protest or march,” commented Eileen Brannigan.

“Participants of this vigil strongly believed in the importance of showing up and holding these vigils across Ireland for the people in Palestine. We are doing something, we are coming together and we are showing people here and elsewhere that there is solidarity with the people of Palestine and that what is happening to them is atrocious,” commented Dr Ollie Moore, a member of the Cloughjordan Palestine Justice group.

This passion was echoed by Carol McNamara from East Clare for Palestine. “I think it’s really important to show solidarity with Palestine because they are undergoing horrific oppression and have done for 76 years since their land was taken off of them. We need to be the voices of Palestine, we have freedom, we have democracy, we have food, we have the wherewithal. We have to show up, we have to be the voices of those that have been silenced” commented Carol McNamara.

“I am very proud of Ireland, the way we get together on a national basis and do these bridge actions, bridge vigils for hours, for one day a month. Some people are doing it weekly in certain counties of Ireland. But it just shows that Irish people really care about this issue deeply and I am proud to be a part of it. I’m proud to be part of groups like this all over the country today,” commented Eileen Brannigan.


If you would like to watch video footage and interviews from this demonstration, you can view it on both the Nenagh Guardian’s Facebook and Instagram page: @nenaghguardian.