Parish priest of Terryglass-Kilbarron Fr Michael Cooney with the committee of Kilbarron graveyard, who made a presentation to retiring caretaker Willie Joe Tiernan in appreciation of 14 years of unwavering service. From left to right: Tess Burke, Damien Burke, Fr Michael Cooney, PP; Mike Burke, Willie Joe Tiernan, William Donoghue, Dermot Costelloe and Joe Slattery. Photo: Coolbawn Cross Photography

Caretaker Willie Joe bows out

A fitting tribute was paid to the retiring caretaker of Kilbarron Graveyard, Willie Joe Tiernan, at the recent Cemetery Mass. The parish has been blessed to have had Willie Joe look after the graveyard over the last 14 years and such has been his commitment that the cemetery is widely regarded as one of the most beautifully maintained and has won a number of awards over the years.

Making the presentation, committee member Dermot Costelloe remarked that the very high standards set by Willie Joe since he took over the job means that the committee will have to work very hard into the future to try to maintain those standards. Such was the commitment of Wille Joe that it was often said if you were looking for him you had a better chance of finding him at the graveyard rather than by calling to his house. His meticulous approach, attention to detail and pride in his work drew widespread praise from locals and visitors alike.

Everyone connected with Kilbarron Cemetery wishes Willie Joe all the best for the future and offers their sincere thanks for such hard work over the years.