Enda Dooley (Chairperson, Board of Management) makes a presentation to Veronica Crowley on the occasion of her retirement at Dromakeenan NS. Photos: PJ Wright

Schools pays tribute to Ms Crowley

Retirement occasion at Dromakeenan NS

The whole school gathered on Thursday, June 27, to pay tribute to Ms Veroncia Crowley on the occasion of her retirement after almost 24 years in Dromakeenan NS.

Principal Donal Ryan welcomed everyone to the hall and called for Ms Crowley to join us. The ceremony opened with a Mass celebrated by our school Chaplain Fr Antun to acknowledge the tireless dedication Ms Crowley had to the pupils and wider school community.

Mrs O’ Meara led the school choir throughout the Mass. Aoibhneas pupils Aine and Lucy presented gifts to represent Ms Crowley’s huge commitment to Aoibhneas. The reading was read by school secretary Deirdre, while Prayers of the Faithful were read by pupils Patrick Comerford and Faye Dunford, fellow Aoibhneas teacher Ms McMahon and SNA Nicola Keeshan.

The reflection was read by Ms D’Arcy. Following the Mass, the Junior and Senior Infants paid a lovely tribute to Ms Crowley with songs and a specially written poem of memories. Presentations were then made by the Board of Management and Parents Association.

Deputy Principal Paul Maher spoke eloquently about Ms Crowley’s teaching career, from her time in Mary Immaculate College to her first position in Wexford. In 1987 she taught in Coolderry Central School, and then St Anne’s Special School, followed by St Joseph’s, Borris in Ossory, before travelling to teach in Australia. On her return to Ireland, she taught again in Coolderry Central School, St Anne’s, Roscrea; St Anne’s, The Curragh, and Killeen NS before taking up her position in Dromakeenan in 2000 in a shared capacity with Shinrone NS.

In 2008, she was instrumental in setting up a special class in Dromakeenan NS for children diagnosed with autism, giving them access to integrate with mainstream classes. Over the years, many schools visited Aoibhneas to seek advice as they set up classes in their own school. Veronica taught in Aoibhneas until 2016 when she went on secondment to work in the area of autism. She returned in 2021 to once again teach in Aoibhneas for another two years – one could say she had found her niche! Her love for Special Education continued this past year when she was the SET for Junior and Senior Infants. Another string to her bow, which she happily shared with the school community was her love of music, playing for Christmas shows, concerts and Religious Ceremonies. Many past pupils will remember the launch of our school CD, and the numerous assemblies and choirs she led.Mr Maher wished her a retirement filled with relaxation, adventure and the pursuit of her passions – Ms Crowley, we will miss you.