The Nenagh-based company will help you enhance the energy efficiency of your homes.

EcoVision at forefront in promoting energy democracy

In a significant move towards promoting energy democracy and addressing the pressing issue of energy poverty, EcoVision, a pioneering organisation in community-led energy initiatives, has announced the launch of their latest project, RENPOWER. This initiative aims to empower homeowners who feel locked out of the energy retrofitting process, providing them with the tools and support needed to enhance the energy efficiency of their homes.

For over a decade, EcoVision has been at the forefront of supporting households and communities in Ireland through innovative community development models. Their extensive experience has shown that many households are unable to participate in retrofitting projects due to financial constraints and lack of access to necessary resources. RENPOWER is set to change this by developing comprehensive, citizen-led home renovation services that will make energy upgrades accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic status.

RENPOWER, a collaboration between EcoVision and GoiEner in the Basque Country, Spain, is designed to create replicable models for home energy renovation, ensuring a just energy transition. The project will leverage the strengths of each partner: EcoVision's expertise in citizen-led renovation and GoiEner's experience in energy poverty alleviation.

Additionally, this project is supported by 12 agencies across Ireland, including local government, community development organisations and third level institutions. These stakeholders will form part of a network of partners who will work together to bring about energy democracy.

A notable feature of RENPOWER is its emphasis on developing financing mechanisms tailored to assist vulnerable households. By collaborating with social lenders, credit unions, and ethical banks, the project seeks to bridge the gap for those who cannot benefit from existing grants and loan schemes. This approach ensures that even households with limited means can undertake necessary renovations, promoting inclusivity and fairness in the energy transition.

EcoVision's General Manager, Máirtín Ó Mealóid, expressed enthusiasm for the RENPOWER initiative. He said: “We are committed to making energy efficiency accessible to all homeowners. RENPOWER represents a significant step forward in our mission to promote energy democracy and alleviate energy poverty. By working closely with our partners and leveraging our collective expertise, we can create a sustainable, replicable model that will benefit communities across Europe.”

With a focus on inclusivity, participation, and sustainability, RENPOWER is set to transform the landscape of home energy renovation, ensuring that no household is left behind in the transition to a clean energy future.


For more information about EcoVision and to stay up to date with the RENPOWER project, visit