Bridget Kelly.

Top theatre workshops in Nenagh next week

One of the theatre world’s most respected teachers and practitioners, Joerg Andrees, will help lead a week-long theatre workshop programme titled One Time More, in Nenagh next week.

Joerg, founder of the Michael Chekhov International Academy (MCIA), is a stage and film director, performer, and tutor, and is regarded globally as one of the foremost exponents of the Michael Chekhov Method. He trained in Germany as a film director and in New York.

Joerg has tutored and directed worldwide, and has conducted workshops in many countries, including the USA, Wales, and Austria. Joining Joerg will be Kevin Dowsett, founder of Theatretrain, and a leader in educational theatre for children and young people.

Also taking part in the programme is Sarah Purcell, a distinguished actress. Based in Berlin, she has been actively involved in the field of drama and acting for over 15 years. Sarah holds a BA in Education from London Metropolitan University and a Diploma of Associate to teach Speech and Drama from the London College of Music.

Sarah’s career is marked by a series of notable achievements. She has been awarded Best Actress at both the RTÉ All-Ireland Drama Festival and the Dundalk International Maytime Festival.

Nenagh native Frank McGrath, a former member of Nenagh Players, and one of the tutors during the week, has been involved since 1995, working with the Nenagh Players, Moate Theatre Group, and Sillan Players. He has won numerous Best Actor awards and Best Director accolades at drama festivals throughout Ireland. His love of drama brought him to the annual summer school in Gormanston for their week-long immersion into Chekhov’s Method as well as voice training with professional acting coaches such as John O’Hare and David Scott.

As well as Frank, the organising committee is made up of his wife Bridget Kelly, also a former member of Nenagh Players, and a member of the Shercock Drama Festival Committee, and Sarah Purcell.

The trio met during the residential summer drama workshops in Gormanston, County Meath, in the mid to late 2000s, and following a catch-up meeting in 2023, the idea of One Time More was conceived.

The week will feature acting workshops inspired by different acting disciplines from the Stanislavsky method to the Michael Chekhov technique. All participants will also be invited to various social activities in the evenings. This will be a work-rich, fun-packed week for anyone interested in giving their creative spirit a spark or learning new ways to tackle an acting role.

Frank McGrath will explore Understanding Sound, aimed at actors, directors, engineers or anyone interested in sound; Joerg Andrees will examine Michael Chekhov - Creativity and expanding beyond your perceived limits; Kevin Dowlett will look at The Character – Explore and innovate to bring your character to life, and Sarah Purcell will lead a workshop in The Method – Explore the depth of texts with new perspectives.

There are still some places available by contacting and following the links.

One Time More runs from Monday, August 12, to Saturday, August 17.