Gardaí in Nenagh Garda Station (above) are investigating the murder of local woman Josie Ray. Two arrests have been made.

Man and woman arrested following Nenagh woman's murder

A MAN and a woman have been arrested by gardaí following the discovery of the body of Josephine (Josie) Ray, aged 89, in her home in Saint Joseph's Park, Nenagh, on Sunday last.

In a statement issued this Friday afternoon, gardaí said members of the force in Nenagh continue to investigate all the circumstances surrounding the death.

"Two people, a man and woman aged in their 50s, were arrested today, Friday 9th August 2024 in relation to this investigation."

The Garda statement added: "They are currently detained under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984, at Garda stations in the Southern Region."

The announcement came just hours after Ms Ray's Funeral Mass took place in Saint Mary of the Rosary Church in Nenagh.