The volunteer team had been returning from Holy Island when they were flagged down. Photo: Bridget Delaney

Killaloe Coast Guard responds to incident on Lough Derg

Killaloe Coast Guard

On Saturday last, Killaloe Coast Guard unit assisted seven people on a boat that suffered engine problems on Lough Derg.

The volunteer team had been at Holy Island along with Lough Derg RNLI and Clare Civil Defence providing medical and safety boat cover for the funeral on the late novelist and playwright Edna O’Brien, and while returning from that duty the team was flagged down by the skipper of a 30-foot cruiser with four adults and three children on board, experiencing engine trouble close to Deer Rock.

The casualty vessel was taken on tow to Killaloe where Coast Guard shore team members were on hand to assist with the safe mooring of the vessel.