Nenagh undertaker Philly Ryan leads the funeral of the late Josie Ray as it passes her home in Saint Joseph's Park. Photo: Bridget Delaney

Mourners are bewildered and heartbroken at Josie's killing

People are stunned bewildered and heartbroken at the sudden and tragic passing of Josie Ray, who was a woman who brought so much light, laughter and love into the lives of everyone she touched, Nenagh’s Parish Priest Fr Pat Gilbert told mourners at her Funeral Mass in Saint Mary of the Rosary Church on Friday last.

“Our hearts ache and our minds struggle to comprehend the loss of someone so vibrant, so full of life and spirit,” said Fr Gilbert.

He said Josie would be remembered as a “woman of remarkable presence” who was a “beacon” of the town.

Ms Ray (89), a widow who lived at Saint Joseph’s Park, Nenagh, was found dead in bed in her home on Sunday week last, sparking a murder investigation into her death.

Before the Funeral Mass began Fr Gilbert explained that a white cloth was to be placed over the coffin.

“At her baptism she was clothed in a white robe, the outward sign of Christian dignity. This morning members of Josie’s family place the pall on her coffin as an outward sign of our respect for her mortal remains,” he said.

It was with heavy hearts that everyone had gathered in the church to pay their last respects to Josie. Everyone was “shocked and stunned” by her sudden passing.

“As we come together to remember and honour her, we also seek comfort and seek solace in the promises of faith,”added Fr Gilbert.

He told the daughters of Ms Ray - Sarah, Frances, Mary and Carmel - and other family members and friends in the community to lean on each other and draw support from the bond of shared memories.

Fr Gilbert said Josie wore her cherished religion and her faith close to her heart, wearing her holy bracelets, medals and Rosary.

He described Josie as a woman of remarkable presence who was well known throughout Nenagh, especially in St Joseph's Park.


Fr Gilbert stated: “Her glamorous style, her blonde hair that was as much a part of her identity as her radiant smile made her a beacon in this town and community.

“Walking through the streets often with her beloved daughters at her side, Josie would stop to chat, her wit and warmth drawing people in like a magnet.

“Josie was lively, likeable, utterly loveable, a true character who left an indelible mark on everyone she met.”

Fr Gilbert said Josie was someone who had a great heart and always had time for people, making those around her feel valued and loved.

“She was a great neighbour a true friend and a cornerstone to this close-knit community.”


“She was also a woman devoted to family, raising her family with love and care in St Joseph's Park. Her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were her pride and joy and lights of her life.

“The bond she shared with them was unbreakable and the love she had for them was evident in everything she did, she adored them.”

Fr Gilbert asked mourners to remember the fullness of Ms Ray’s life, her love of fashion, the joys of life and traditional music. “Josie embraced life with both hands and she lived it with a vigour and a passion that is truly inspiring.”


Ms Ray’s granddaughter, Rosie, in a moving eulogy, described her “nanny as a lady who loved her style, always in her glitter and loved her jewellery.”

She said her nanny was “some woman for dancing” and would be at any event in town with her daughter Sarah.

“She had a great heart, she always said to me: ‘Rosie, I’ll never forget you for doing that’, just the little things I would do for her like go to the shops or make her cups of tea; she really appreciated everything.”

“She had great time for everyone who knew her. She is a park legend and to all that knew her from the park, they will always remember her and miss her.

Rosie concluded: “We will all miss you, Josie; you were one of a kind, a true lady; we’ll all love you, always. Rest in peace, Josie.”

Josephine (Josie) Ray was predeceased by her husband Paddy and daughter Joan O'Brien. She is survived and will be sadly missed by her loving daughters Sarah, Frances, Mary and Carmel, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews, cousins, relatives, her great neighbours, relatives and friends.

Large numbers of people who turned up at her reposal on Thursday night last at Ryan’s Funeral Home in Silver Street, Nenagh, and again at her Requiem Mass the following day bore testimony to the esteem in which she was held in the community. Burial took place after Mass in Killodiernan Graveyard.