The annual school transport saga has returned, with families across the country and throughout Tipperary receiving letters of refusal for the School Transport Scheme operated by Bus Éireann, according to Rural Independent Group Leader and Tipperary TD, Mattie McGrath.

School bus woes in Tipperary highlighted by Deputy Mattie McGrath

The annual school transport saga has returned, with families across the country and throughout Tipperary receiving letters of refusal for the School Transport Scheme operated by Bus Éireann, according to Rural Independent Group Leader and Tipperary TD, Mattie McGrath.

Deputy McGrath criticised the Minister for Education, who has been in office since 2020, for failing to strategically plan, revamp, or improve the provision of school transport. “This is a failing and the problem arises every single year like clockwork. Little has changed, only different families have been affected by the bus ticket lottery system,” said Deputy McGrath.

He added: “A review of the School Transport Scheme began in 2021, and the findings, along with recommended changes, were published in January 2024. However, no improvements have been made to the system for the beginning of this new school year.”

“The report clearly outlines actionable recommendations that could significantly improve the school transport scheme. It suggests removing the ‘nearest school’ requirement if there are existing bus routes or if there is enough demand for a new route (at least 10 pupils), and reducing the distance required for pupils to qualify for the scheme. If these changes were implemented in conjunction with an increase in the number of buses, it would enable many more students to avail of school transport.”

“However, despite the clarity and potential impact of these recommendations, the Minister for Education appears to be effectively sitting on her hands. This inaction is particularly concerning given that this government is in its last months. The question that arises is, why is the Minister not taking decisive action on this report? Why is she allowing another year to pass without addressing the recurring issues in the school transport scheme? The families affected by this issue deserve answers and, more importantly, they deserve action.”

Deputy McGrath has been pleading with the Minister, Norma Foley, to act on these recommendations, but he says she refuses to listen. “The best the minister can do is state that the recommendation may be implemented in time for the school year beginning in September 2025, which is pathetic especially as this has been an annual problem for years. The bottom line is that there is a crisis in the whole school transport system and there are children who can’t access it and the Minister, and the government have ignored the problem.

“Year after year, every August and September, parents and children are confronted with the same distressing issues. The Minister and her Department’s lack of urgency in addressing these problems is deeply concerning. This situation needs a definitive resolution. The stress and anxiety inflicted on parents and students due to this avoidable inaction is not only appalling but also entirely preventable.”