Teresa Collins to feature in RTÉ documentary focusing on the treatment of women and children in mother and baby homes.

Portroe woman to feature in RTÉ documentary

A WOMAN living in Portroe who was born in the former Sean Ross mother and baby home in Roscrea is among those who will feature in a documentary being screened on RTÉ in the coming days.

Teresa Collins is one of many people interviewed for Stolen, a documentary shedding light on how the State and religious orders treated women who became pregnant out of wedlock.

Between 1922 and 1998, over 80,000 unmarried mothers were incarcerated in church-run mother and baby homes. Survivors reveal the shocking details of their treatment in a scandal that sparked a government inquiry into their fate.

Ms Collins was born in the home in Roscrea in the early 1960s after her mother was sent there when the Catholic Church learned she had become pregnant out of wedlock.

Ms Collins, who is now a grandmother, has spent many years campaigning for justice for all the women and children who were sent to the home during its operation from 1930 to 1969.

The documentary, made by Besom Productions and Wildfire Films Co-Production, was funded by Screen Ireland, Northern Ireland Screen, Broadcasting Authority of Ireland and RTÉ

It will be screened on RTÉ One on this coming Monday, August 26, at 9.35pm.