Special thanks to those who have served on committees over the decades

Milestone for Tipp Association

Appeal for historical items ahead of 90th anniversary celebration

The Tipperary Association Dublin is celebrating 90 years in existence this year. Founded back in 1934, the President of the Tipperary Association Dublin, Tom Sherlock, said it is a testimony to many Tipperary people living in Dublin and particularly those who served on the committees over the last nine decades, that the association has reached such a milestone and that it continues to be an active and vibrant group. “The commitment and dedication of all these people is something we, the current generation of Tipperary people in Dublin, are most appreciative of and grateful for. A big thank you to all of them,” said Tom.

The association has plans to mark and celebrate the 90th anniversary. The highlight of the association’s year and activities is the annual awards ceremony – in recent years held in spring.

This year the 2024 awards will be presented in late November as a key part of marking the 90th anniversary. The association is currently working on plans for the event, including research of the history and development of the association and publishing a commemorative booklet.

Appeal for Historical documents

Mr Sherlock went on to say that the association is endeavouring to gather as much historical data as possible about the organisation.

He appealed to members of the public for help in gathering historical information and facts about the association such as photographs, press cuttings, etc of past events, which former members (or their families) may have. Information/documentation may be sent to Pat Ryan, Hon Secretary, Tipperary Association Dublin, 11 Foxfield Grove, Raheny, Dublin 5. Tel: 087 6376663 or email proriain@gmail.com.