Applications will only be accepted from community groups whose focus is on engaging older adults and facilitating and older adult group

Grants for local groups ahead of Positive Ageing Week in Tipp

The theme for Positive Ageing Week 2024, in Tipperary, which is an Age Action initiative is 'Reframing How We Think, Feel and Act towards ageing and older persons, and inclusion within our communities'.

Tipperary County Council and Tipperary Age Friendly offer a small grant scheme to support Older Adult Community Groups in County Tipperary to support social interactions and connectivity and the theme for the national positive ageing week.

The grant will support Older adult community groups to host an event during the week, which runs from October 1 to 7. A proposed maximum grant of €300 is available

The grant scheme intention is to support older adult groups in reconnecting and reengaging and celebrating the contribution of older people to County Tipperary

Last date for receipt of applications 12 noon on September 19.

Applications will only be accepted from community groups whose focus is on engaging older adults and facilitating and older adult group for e.g. Senior Citizens Group, Active Retirement, Men’s Sheds etc

Applicants will be notified by close of business on September 20 if they are successful.

All community groups must be registered with Tipperary PPN

Within the application the community group must identify their event date.

All of the events will be collated and promoted on and on the Tipperary Age Friendly Calendar through to showcase all of the community groups supported to engage Positive Ageing Week.

This grant will not fund an event that is already receiving other funding, or recurring events.

There should be no charge where possible for participants to attend your event.

The community group will pay any costs associated with their event directly.

Following the event all approved applicants submit their receipt to and the grant of €300 will be paid to the community group

The event must be cultural in nature, promoting positive ageing, whether music, arts, drama, in nature, the group can define to suit their groups demands.

More details on the week are available at