Playground for Templederry

Cllr Phyll Bugler has called for Tipperary County Council to install a playground in Templederry.

In a notice of motion before the July meeting of the council's Nenagh Municipal District, Cllr Bugler sought a playground on lands owned by the council in Templederry, where she said there are many children and "a playground is essential".

She was informed that there are 12 existing playgrounds in the district, all of which require maintenance and upgrades where possible. New playgrounds are in train for Cloughjordan and Silvermines, where committees have formed and are engaged with the council on fundraising and locating sites.

District Administator Rosemary Joyce said the council would similarly work with a committee that forms with a view to providing a playground in Templederry. Involved in the Silvermines playground project, Cllr Pamela Quirke O'Meara said she is aware of the Templederry situation and would help to provide a similar facility there.