Our Lady’s Secondary School John Paul II Award recipients.

‘Spirit of Generosity’ at Our Lady’s

The John Paul II students at Our Lady's Secondary School have shown huge commitment to the programme over the past year. It is a faith achievement award for young people between the ages of 16-18. The school management always provides wonderful support, helping it to be a great success. The students have been hardworking, lighthearted and committed. Above all, they worked as a team of friends, always hailing the John Paul II ‘Spirit of Generosity’.

We are so proud of this group of young people and the ease by which they carry out their activities. They have carried out a multiplicity of tasks both in our school and in their parishes, including a fun-filled Bogathon fundraiser for Mary’s Meals charity, a celebration of Ceiliuradh Ceist by making and selling St Brigid’s Crosses in aid of the Red Cross, a coffee morning for those who have been displaced, a Taize Service, and reading at Mass and on the school intercom.

They have been involved in musicals, sporting events, training teams, Tidy Towns and tractor runs. We concluded the year with a pilgrim walk in Upperchurch followed by an awards ceremony in our local church.

We had 49 Gold Award recipients and 14 Papal Award recipients. A word of special thanks to Ms Tina Fogarty, Ms Shauna Bourke, Ms Sinead Harding, Mr Declan Leamy and Ms Amy Quinlan for their tireless work and support as leaders of the John Paul 2 Programme. We cannot forget to thank Fr Vincent Stapleton, who coordinates this programme in our diocese.