Deputy Lowry says that the group's Pre-Budget Submission for 2025 is a robust and relevant plan.

Regional Group’s pre-budget plan

Deputy Michael Lowry and his colleagues in the Independent Regional Group of TDs have submitted an ambitious and innovative pre-budget proposal for 2025. It highlights the critical need for enhanced support for Regional Development, family farms, carers, and people with disabilities. The submission reflects the group's unwavering commitment to improving the lives of individuals and communities across Ireland.

Deputy Lowry says that the group's Pre-Budget Submission for 2025 is a robust and relevant plan that will assist people in improving their daily lives. By focusing on regional development, supporting family farms, and providing essential support for carers and people with disabilities, the group aims to ensure that no one is left behind.

Key Areas of Focus:

1. Regional Development: The submission underscores the importance of rejuvenating towns and villages, fostering sustainable investments, and supporting rural and regional businesses. This approach is essential for reducing the carbon footprint and ensuring the prosperity of regional Ireland.

2. Family Farms: Recognising the vital role of family farms in the economy, the proposal advocates for measures that encourage the succession and transfer of family assets. This support aims to empower the next generation to maintain and innovate within local businesses and farms.

3. Support for Carers and People with Disabilities: The submission calls for an increase in the Carer’s Support Grant and the introduction of a cost of disability payment. These measures are designed to provide greater financial security and support to carers and people with disabilities, ensuring they can lead more independent and fulfilling lives.

4. Comprehensive Strategy for a Better Future: The Regional Group’s proposal is a forward-thinking, integrated approach that prioritises sustainability, community well-being, and social inclusion. It sets out clear, actionable goals to address the rising cost of living, enhance social welfare payments, and expand access to essential services such as healthcare and education.

“The Government's final Budget must be results-driven and accountable. We are advocating for a whole-of-government approach that not only addresses immediate challenges but also sets the foundation for a sustainable, prosperous, and inclusive future for all,” said Deputy Lowry. He also highlighted the Regional Group’s proposals to assist their constituents in the following areas:

- Sustainable Housing Initiatives:

“Our proposal prioritises sustainable housing, with increased support for people with disabilities and funding to refurbish vacant properties. This is essential for building resilient and inclusive communities.

- Education and Training Enhancements:

“We are committed to equipping our workforce with the skills needed for the future by expanding apprenticeships, retraining opportunities, and lifelong learning strategies. This is key to addressing underemployment and industry demands.

- Health and Mental Health Services:

Investing in health and mental health services, including dementia supports and long COVID clinics, is vital to ensure that everyone in Ireland has equitable access to quality healthcare, regardless of where they live.

- Taxation Reforms for Fairness and Growth:

Our taxation reforms are designed to support family businesses, make the system fairer for middle-income earners, and encourage sustainable economic growth across Ireland.

- Support for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs):

“We recognise the critical role of SMEs in driving innovation and economic growth.

“Our proposal includes reforms to public procurement and incentives for research and development.”