Pictured from left: Aoife Greene, NPWS Peatlands Unit; Jessica Cahalan, CE Scheme Supervisor; Jon Parry, Principal, Gurteen College; Gearóid Ó Foighil, CCDA; Minister Malcom Noonan; Iva Pocock, Tipperary Green Party; Greg Whelan, Clifford Guest,Cloughjordan Eco-Congregation Group; Kevin Keogh, Coillte Forest Manager; Albert Austin, landowner; Roisín Costello, Cloughjordan Tidy Towns Group; PJ Quinliss, landowner; May Casey, Cloughjordan Heritage Group; Mary Quinliss, landowner; Gillian Armitage, Cloughjordan Street Market Group, and Jim Casey, Cloughjordan Heritage Group.

Minister Noonan visits Scohaboy Bog

On Tuesday, September 3, Minister for Heritage Malcom Noonan paid a visit to Scohaboy Bog, Cloughjordan, to see firsthand the raised bog restoration programme at the site.

The minister was warmly welcomed by local community group representatives and local landowners along with representatives from Gurteen College, the NPWS and Coillte Forest. Celebrating 10 years, the restoration programme has seen three major works phases involving NPWS, Coillte and 50 private landowners and today, as a result, 90% of Scohaboy’s 1,500 acres are under conservation and rewetting measures. Scohaboy today is regarded as one of Ireland’s most successful community supported natural heritage conservation efforts winning a number of awards for the community. Praising the role of the local community, the minister said: “The story of the restoration of Scohaboy Bog is a really inspiring one. Today I visited the bog and met with community representatives, Coillte, Gurteen College, Eco Congregation and our team at NPWS to see the scale of the work on this raised bog habitat.

“Former turf cutters and local landowners are all part of the story and Scohaboy has become a wonderful resource for local communities in Cloughjordan and beyond. A míle buíochas to everyone who welcomed me today. This is a beacon for community led nature restoration.”

Scohaboy, as well as being for climate and nature, is also for people; walkways installed at the site by the Cloughjordan Community Development Association allows safe access for the visitor, who can traverse the high bog area along the Loop of Laghile and Loughaun National Trail. The Cloughjordan Community Development Association (which includes the Cloughjordan Heritage Group) are the community partners in the restoration programme.