Hundreds of protesters turned out for the march from the church in Borrisokane to the Riverside apartment complex. Photos: Rose Mannion

‘Success story’ for Borrisokane

Residents of the Riverside accommodation centre in Borrisokane have been told they can remain there for now following a major protest in the town last week.

In what has been hailed as a “success story” for Borrisokane, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) issued a statement saying it would work with Tipperary Co Council, along with local community groups and representatives, to find suitable alternative accommodation for the Riverside families in the local area.

The DCEDIY statement followed a protest march attended by several hundred people in Borrisokane last Wednesday evening. The protest was organised by the Borrisokane Liaison Committee, which has been campaigning for several months for the residents to be allowed remain in situ.

This followed the issuing of eviction notices earlier this year to a number of families that had been living at the centre since 2019. Former asylum-seekers, the families had achieved leave to remain in Ireland and the DCEDIY said their accommodation was needed for new international protection applicants.

“The department has a very urgent need for accommodation for people who are still in the application process and, as such, is not in a position to enter into ongoing rental arrangements in its accommodation for people with status,” the DCEDIY said in its statement to local representatives.

“However, the department is also very mindful of the challenges that exist for people moving on from the international protection system in accessing alternative accommodation in the community. With all this in mind, the department will work with the remaining families at the Riverside IPAS centre, Tipperary County Council, and with local community groups and representatives, to find suitable alternative accommodation for these families in the local area.

“When alternative accommodation is available for the remaining families, it is important that Riverside IPAS centre continues to be used to provide much needed accommodation for people who are within the international protection application process.”


Michael Lowry, TD, welcomed what he described as a “victory” for the Borrisokane committee and Riverside residents.

“I wish to compliment the diligent local committee and townspeople of Borrisokane for their determination to keep the residents of the Riverside accommodation centre in the place they now call home,” he stated.

“Without their untiring commitment to helping them and advocating for them, this outcome may never have come to pass. They have never wavered in their efforts to support their new residents. They have displayed love and humanity and staunch resilience in the face of many obstacles.

“This is their success story and theirs alone,” Deputy Lowry said. “Without their determination to overcome every obstacle and fight for their beliefs, this story may have ended differently.”

Deputy Lowry said he had made direct contact with Minister for Integration Roderic O’Gorman on this issue on several occasions.

“These families have been living in Borrisokane’s Riverside centre since shortly after their arrival in Ireland and have settled happily into the local community,” he stated.

“The children have been attending the local schools and have been involved in sports and activities in the town. Many adults have secured jobs and are actively involved in clubs and organisations, and friendships have been formed with local families.

“They now refer to Borrisokane as their home, and local people view them as a part of their community.”

Cloughjordan-based Green Party representative for Tipperary Iva Pocock also welcomed last week's outcome. She said the ongoing community support for the Riverside families - as evidenced in last week's march through the town - “is a shining light of how to welcome and integrate newcomers.”

“I deeply regret the anguish families there have suffered due to eviction notices over the last number of months,” Ms Pocok stated. “I have made repeated representations to Minister Roderic O'Gorman and officials urging their support for a solution for Borrisokane, rightly described as the North Tipp town with a big heart.”