The River Bunow in Roscrea.

Tipp Greens welcome new Water Action Plan

A new nationwide Water Action Plan launched by Minister for Nature Malcolm Noonan has been welcomed by the Tipperary Green Party.

“Concerted action to save the ailing rivers and lakes of Tipperary cannot come to soon,” said Iva Pocock. “This plan continues the vital focus on river catchments – the area of land through which a river and all its tributaries flow – and ensures the involvement of local communities, farmers and businesses in local plans.

“Only a third of all water bodies in Tipperary are now rated satisfactory which is a dramatic decline since 2012 when 61% were considered satisfactory.”

“The new plan has three overarching aims – to reduce pollution, restore ecosystems and invest in water infrastructure – all of which are needed in Tipperary.

“I welcome the plan’s commitment to ramp up efforts to remove river barriers that block our migratory species such as salmon, lamprey and eel. I look forward to seeing proper fish passes in place to mitigate the treacherous conditions created a century ago by the Ardnacrusha Scheme on the Shannon.

“I also welcome the commitment to review the outdated 1945 Arterial Drainage Act which mandates dredging, deepening and drainage of rivers, all of which destroy their ecological health. The Act dates from a long-gone era, before catastrophic biodiversity loss and climate breakdown. It is high time it is reviewed.

“In tandem with the launch of the Water Action Plan it’s great to see that the Local Authorities Water Programme (LAWPRO) has launched its 2025 open call for community grants to support all things positive for local waters.”