Members of Nenagh Toastmasters celebrating the club's 35th anniversary earlier this year.

New season for Nenagh Toastmasters

Nenagh Toastmasters held their first meeting of the new season (September to May) on Tuesday, September 3, at the Abbey Court Hotel.

Toastmasters aims to help members develop their speech making technique, as well as learning other skills. There was a lively buzz of conversation as members greeted each other with enthusiasm after the summer break. Twenty-two members and three guests engaged in lively conversation before the meeting began.

From the top table, we were introduced to the new President for the year, Eileen Kennedy, who will preside and open all meetings, by Toastmaster Jim McGuire, who chaired the meeting, and Topicsmaster David Healy; these two roles rotate each meeting so that all members can participate in administration if they wish.

For this meeting, Margaret Cullinan served as Grammarian (pointing out crutch words, “er, well, ah, you see”, etc, as she reviewed the speeches and Joe Ryan was General Evaluator. There are generally three speakers before the coffee break, lasting five to seven minutes.

Tonight’s speakers were Eileen Dight, whose theme was “Here’s what I wish I’d said", about belated ripostes, and Donnchadh Shanahan, who spoke about “My Backpacking Adventure” as a youth. He mentioned six African countries he’d visited on his first trip. The third speaker this evening was Rose Walsh, an experienced speaker, who gave advice about responding to topics raised by the Topicsmaster. This role is to present a theme and then designate a member in the audience to speak spontaneously on that topic for up to two minutes.

Rose suggested a helpful technique was to “Ask the Topicsmaster ‘Could you repeat the question, please?’ while walking to the front of the room, giving oneself time to prepare a response. Even if you know nothing about that topic, try to adapt it to speak about a related angle, rather than say nothing. If asked your favourite TV programme for example, and you don’t watch TV, try ‘That’s not to my

taste, but I do enjoy….’ And turn it to something that does inspire you. If you can be amusing, so much the better."

Advice like this is invaluable to interviewees.

The meeting always pauses half way through for 20 minutes of tea/coffee and cake, with animated conversation. By definition, Toastmasters are outgoing and communicative. All wear name badges so it’s easy to become familiar with everyone.

Topics introduced after the refreshment break by Topicsmaster David Healy included "What do you think of the new traffic system in Nenagh?"; "Should the new scooters be banned?"; "Given a camping van and you don’t go abroad for holidays, where would you visit in Ireland?"; "In future, when there are flying cars, would you want one?"; "How do you like to spend your leisure time?" and so on.

At the end of the meeting we had reports from our Timer John Spillane (both speeches were on time), Speech Evaluators Helen Spillane and Eibhlin Maher, and Grammarian Margaret Cullinan. Joe Ryan as General Evaluator thought it had been a most successful evening, which was well set up on time with enjoyable speeches, and the meeting was well attended.

Finally, we were asked to have a show of hands about whether to bring forward our fortnightly meetings to 8pm. A majority favoured the earlier start, so from now until Christmas at least, we will start at 8pm promptly and rely on members not to arrive late.

The next meeting is on Tuesday, September 17, at 8pm and, as always, all are welcome!