Over 100 were attested at the Templemore ceremony.

Ceremony as Garda recruits graduate

On Friday,108 Gardaí were attested as sworn members of An Garda Síochána.

• 80 male/ 28 female (74% male, 26% female)

• 9 Gardaí born outside the state – Slovakia, Poland,Romania,India and Lithuania, Ethiopa

• 1 probationer was a former Reserve Garda

Strength of An Garda Síochána (20th September 2024)

• 14,146 Sworn Gardaí

• 3,609 Garda Staff

• 323 Garda Reserves

A further 343 Garda recruits, 2 intakes, are currently undergoing the training programme at the Garda College.

The next intake of Garda recruits is scheduled to enter the Garda College this Monday, September 23.

The 108 newly attested Gardaí bring to 818 the number of Probationer Gardaí attested since recruitment recommenced in 2022 following Covid-19 restrictions paused recruitment in 2020.

These 110 newly sworn members will be allocated as follows:

• Dublin Region 74

• Eastern Region 16

• Southern Region 10

• NorthWestern Region 8

These newly attested 108 members of An Garda Síochána were recruited as part of the 2022/ 2023 recruitment campaigns.

The new Gardaí commenced their Garda training in December 2023 and have undertaken a blend of online learning, on-site learning in the Garda College, and experiential learning in training Garda stations.

During their training these new Probationer Gardaí were involved in community based policing, observed and assisted in serious crime investigations, marched during St Patricks Day events, took part in the 2024 Garda recruitment campaign and assisted at community events amongst other events.

Intake 235 are the first Trainee Intake to undergo CBD1 driving assessments while in the Garda College.

These 108 newly sworn Gardaí will now take on operational responsibilities.

Speaking at today’s attestation, Commissioner Drew Harris welcoming the new Garda probationers said;

"Today is an important and exciting day for you, and your families. It follows many months of hard work, sacrifice and commitment. It is a day to be proud and to take stock of all that you have achieved to date. It is a day to celebrate with families and loved ones as you embark upon this new career path.”

Commissioner Harris reminded the new Garda probationers that;

"You have sworn an oath to serve the people of Ireland. To keep them safe. To put them first. You must do so by acting ethically. Professionally. And with integrity to protect the human rights of everyone you come into contact with."

Wishing the new Garda probationers well Garda Commissioner Harris said;

"For the public you will perform an important service. You will protect the vulnerable. You will be a light in the dark.

You will make a difference in their lives. This is why being a Garda is a privilege and an honour. This is why it is a job worth doing.”