A memorial plaque was erected recently on the Pallas to Duniry road to mark the resting place of a number of infant children from the locality, who were buried there in a different Ireland about a century ago. Pictured are Fr Seamus Bohan with local resident Johnny Gilchrist, who organised the event.

Blessing of infant graves in Portumna

A memorial plaque was erected recently on the Pallas to Duniry Road to mark the resting place of a number of infant children from the locality, who were buried there in a different Ireland around a century ago.

Local PP, Fr Seamus Bohan blessed the location last month on a wet day. Fr Bohan touched the hearts of all present, many of whom have ancestors at the spot, with his very apt and meaningful words. To quote: "the discomfort of a few drops of rain is far removed from the sadness endured by the parents and the families of the little angels buried here". Among the locals who attended the ceremony were relatives who travelled from other counties and from overseas. One 93-year-old lady was visibly moved and she said the blessing and acknowledgement of her infant brothers has given her peace and closure.

The congregation later enjoyed light refreshments at the local Old School Hall while reminiscing on their school days and an Ireland that is best forgotten.

A memorial plaque was erected recently on the Pallas to Duniry road to mark the resting place of a number of infant children from the locality, who were buried there in a different Ireland approx. a century ago Pictured are Fr. Seamus Bohan with local resident Johnny Gilchrist who organised the event.