Green light for Arrabawn plan

Arrabawn Co-Operative Society Limited has received conditional planning permission for a treated discharge pipeline to the Nenagh River.

The plan involves the installation of an underground pumped outfall pipeline for the conveyance of cooling water, condensate and treated effluent from Arrabawn's existing wastewater treatment plant at Knockanpierce to a discharge point on the Nenagh River located immediately up-stream of Tyone bridge on the R498 Thurles Road.

The proposed outfall pipeline installation is to be routed from a new pump sump installation within the wastewater treatment plant site across agricultural lands in the townlands of Knockanpierce and Farnamurry, and then along a section of the Ballygraigue Road to its junction with the R498. From there, the pipeline will run to the entrance to the Arrabawn Co-op Homevalue Store site at Tyone, from where it will extend across a grassed area to the discharge point on the Nenagh River.

The overall length of the proposed pipeline is be approximately 1.25 kilometres.

Arrabawn submitted a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) to Tipperary Co Council in respect of its proposed development works, which relate to activities for which an Industrial Emissions Licence is held.

The purpose of the application is to address a specific condition on the licence; Arrabawn is thereby seeking planning permission for the relocation of treated discharges from the Clareen Stream to the Nenagh River.

Assessing the application, the council found that the plan will not will not compromise the ability of the Nenagh River to achieve ‘Good’ water quality status by 2027 as an environmental objective of the Water Framework Directive.

The council granted permission subject to a number of conditions, including the required appointment of an Ecological Clerk of Works to ensure all mitigation measures outlined in the Ecological Impact Appraisal, Natura Impact Statement and Construction and Environmental Management Plan are carried out.

The council has also stipulated that the section of the development under the R498 shall not proceed until the Active Travel scheme - currently underway on the R445 Dublin road at Lisbunny - is substantially complete.

Also among the conditions is a requirement for the applicant to consult with Inland Fisheries Ireland in relation to all matters concerning fisheries and surface water quality.