The 2024 Nenagh Toastmasters committee. From left: John Leinster, Danny Doyle, Willie Grace, Vinnie Graham, Marie O'Sullivan, John Spillane, Eileen Dight and, seated, President Eileen Kennedy.

Thought-provoking topics for Nenagh Toastmasters

Chance meetings and diminutive discussions

Nenagh Toastmasters enjoyed their second meeting of the new season on September 17 at the Abbey Court Hotel.

Twenty members attended and two guests. President Eileen Kennedy opened the meeting. Toastmaster for the evening was Mena Verma and Topicsmaster was Eileen Dight.

Grammarian Donnchadh Shanahan explained his role: to identify good vocabulary, crutch words to avoid, suggesting that a brief silence is better than ‘erm’, ‘ah’, etc. The word he challenged us to incorporate in our speeches and comments this evening was ‘Diminutive’.

Operating our Timer lights on the night was Willie Grace. General evaluator Danny Doyle provided positive feedback on how the meeting was conducted and also any improvements we can make for future meetings.

The first speech was David Healy’s Icebreaker, that is, his first speech at Toastmasters, which is designed to introduce oneself formally to the group. David spoke about his chance meetings with two Taoiseachs.

The second speaker, Stephen Cullinan provided an interesting and informative speech on his trip to London.

All the speeches were hugely enjoyable and educational for all present. The Evaluators John Spillane and Tony Spain gave positive feedback to their speaker and some practical suggestions for their next project.

After a break for coffee, tea and many decibels of animated conversation, we turned to Topicsmaster for the evening Eileen Dight, to suggest themes to discuss, and nominate members to speak spontaneously for two minutes.

Topics were thought-provoking: Would you like to be famous? If so, for what? If time travel were real, when would you choose to be there? What’s the best advice you ever received? What are you most proud of? When was the best time of your life? When did you last sing to yourself?

The responses were illuminating. Anyone who wanted to add their comments on a theme had only to hold up their hand.

It’s a stimulating and sociable way to spend a couple of hours on a Tuesday evening every fortnight, and newcomers are warmly welcomed.

The next Toastmasters meeting at the Abbey Court Hotel is at 8pm on Tuesday, October 1.