Jackie Cahill TD and Finance Minister Jack Chambers at the Lisheen site, last September.

€5m for bioeconomy campus in Tipp

The Fianna Fáil TD for Tipperary, Jackie Cahill has welcomed further Government funding for the National Bioeconomy Campus in Lisheen.

The Government TD confirmed that the €5 million investment is being provided for development of innovation hubs to create new products as an alternative to fossil based production, further boosting the Lisheen site’s growing reputation as a leading centre nationally and internationally for the future development of the bioeconomy and circular economy.

Local TD Jackie Cahill said: “I am delighted to welcome further funding for Lisheen today, with €5 million being announced by my Government colleague, Charlie McConalogue TD.

“In the lifetime of this Government, we have over €20 million being invested in Lisheen, by both the Government and the private sector.

“With the recent announcement of 70 jobs by Trifol in Littleton by Finance Minister Jack Chambers, the Naringtech development in Derryville which is set to bring 30 jobs once operational, and the existing 70 jobs already on the Lisheen site, the future of this rural area looks very bright.

“Finance Minister Jack Chambers recently visited the Lisheen site with me, and I impressed upon him the need for further Government supports for the site to ensure that we successfully turn it into a centre of excellence for the bioeconomy and circular economy.

“It has been my determined ambition to bring rural employment back into Lisheen, Littleton and surrounding areas during the lifetime of this Government. I am delighted to see that hard work paying off. I anticipate further positive announcements for Lisheen in the future, but today’s news is another great boost for the area.”