A reservoir in the Silvermines Mountains will be used to generate green renewable electricity. It is estimated the electricity generated from the plant will be enough to power 200,000 homes.

Information days on Silvermines hydro electric power plan

Three information days on the Silvermines hydro electric power project will take place this week in Hickey's Lounge.

They will take place on Wednesday, December 4 (4pm – 8pm), Thursday, December 5 (4pm – 8pm) and Saturday, December 7 (11am – 2pm). Hickey's Lounge, Main Street, Cloonanagh, Silvermines village, E45 C850.

This event aims to introduce Silvermines Hydro and the team to the local community, providing an overview of the project's goals and potential benefits. We are eager to engage with local residents and listen to your feedback.