Roscrea's Edel Carey with her assistance dog, Nala.

Meet County Champions Edel and her loyal companion Nala

Irish Dogs for the Disabled expanding its services

Edel Carey from Roscrea has recently become a County Champion for Irish Dogs for the Disabled having received the gift of an Assistance Dog two years ago. Her partner in crime is Nala, a four-year-old beautiful, clever, loyal black labrador who has transformed her life since October 2022.

Edel is keen to promote the continuing and expanding services of the organisation which began its work in 2007 providing Assistance Dogs to people with a physical disability.

The Roscrea native developed Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in her twenties and says she has difficulty with balance and mobility and walks with crutches and uses a wheelchair when she’s out and about. “I’m 53 now and I never thought about having an assistance dog until a friend suggested it to me. I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it myself. In the beginning I was nervous about the commitment as I travel a lot with my job but that all evaporated once Nala came into my life. Nala is not only my picker-upper, door opener and door closer but she is a loyal companion who loves nothing more than jumping up to the sound of something landing on the floor. She loves tasks as she knows there will be a treat in store.”

Edel works full-time as a Schools Liaison Officer with Irish Wheelchair Association. She adds: “Nala is always excited for a school visit or a day in the office and is usually in the car before me waiting to go. She loves meeting people and is extremely sociable. She sits under my desk at work and pops up to say hello when anyone new comes in. She has an amazing welcome for everyone. Nala is as good to my mother who also has mobility issues as she is to me and replicates her skills with the same love and loyalty for her.”

“Nala’s favourite things in life are food, treats, walks, zoomies on the lawn and, when we wind down at night lying at my feet. She is the first thing I see in the morning when she nudges me to get up and melts my heart with her endearing brown eyes. She’s the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.”

About Dogs for the Disabled

Dogs for the Disabled is a pioneering charity established in 2007. training dogs to assist disabled children and adults to help them achieve greater independence in their lives. The organisation gifts three different types of assistance dogs that assist with mobility / stability – for children with conditions such as cerebral palsy and ataxia, task dogs for adults with physical disability and therapy dogs that are used in hospitals and in community settings.

As a result of the organisations success, Dogs for the Disabled have purchased a new property which is to become a centre of excellence for training and research. The organisation receives no government funding but year on year, with continued help and generous support of the public, DFD continues to create more powerful partnerships, opening more doors to change lives.

Jennifer Dowler, Founder & CEO of Dogs for the Disabled says: “With this new property, the organisation hopes to reduce its three-year waiting list by breeding and training more dogs at our new headquarters. It will become a centre of excellence providing training and therapy.”

The property requires a complete renovation and is appealing to the public for donations.