Helping to enhance Cloughjordan’s appeal
The Cloughjordan Community Development Association and the Cloughjordan Community Employment Scheme celebrate the purchase of new maintenance equipment for the village.
The CCDA is the Community Trails Management Organisation with Sports Ireland for the looped walks in the local Knockanacree Woodlands and Sopwell/Scohaboy Bog SAC and the group received a grant award from the Department of Rural and Community Development towards maintenance and development of the local trails network.
The grant has allowed for the purchase of much needed equipment, including lawnmowers, strimmers, leaf-blowers as well as a variety of tools and implements. The new equipment will support the CES Operatives in the carrying out of important maintenance works and other local village enhancement tasks.
The popular Cloughjordan Trails, developed in partnership with Coillte, NPWS, private landowners are the only such recreational cluster offering in North Tipperary and South Offaly and meet important amenity and well-being needs for a wide area including the urban centres of Nenagh and Roscrea. Further trails information can be found on either the Sports Ireland or Coillte forest trails listings.