Great support for SVP in Templemore
Templemore Saint Vincent de Paul would like to thank everyone very much for supporting their collection last month.
Your donations are important and very much appreciated. With your help, you allow SVP to bring comfort to people who are in difficulty in the locality.
Every situation is different and requests are considered on an individual basis. How to help is a decision made by the conference after receiving relevant information and documentation. Members will visit to offer support and talk about the applicant’s situation and they may take notes. These notes are private and confidential.
Your SVP conference may offer one of the following types of help:
Information about other services you can use;
Help with money problems;
Support, advice and encouragement;
Essential needs;
Dealing with an emergency;
Unexpected expenses.
If you would like to volunteer with SVP you will find information on about the wide range of the charity’s work and you will see how your particular skills could be useful. There are SVP conferences in many towns in Ireland, which are run by 11,000 volunteers throughout the country. All conferences report to their Area, Region and Head Office and are audited in line with regulations.