Tipperary FET College Adult Education students who received their Component Certificates at Coláiste Phobal, Roscrea. Front row: Noel Colleran (Tipperary FET College), Deborah Ryan (Tipperary FET College), Mary Jo Kennedy-Deegan (Tipperary FET College), Cllr Roger Kennedy (Chairperson of Tipperary ETB), Fiona Dunford (Tipperary ETB Board), Colin Cummins (Director of FET) and Brian Donnelly (Tipperary FET College). Back row: Susana Lucha, David Greene, Barbara Murphy, Clare Dooley, Josh Doran and Jim Delaney. Photos: Odhran Ducie
Tipperary FET College Adult Education students who received their Component Certificates at Coláiste Phobal, Roscrea. Front row: Noel Colleran (Tipperary FET College), Deborah Ryan (Tipperary FET College), Mary Jo Kennedy-Deegan (Tipperary FET College), Cllr Roger Kennedy (Chairperson of Tipperary ETB), Fiona Dunford (Tipperary ETB Board), Colin Cummins (Director of FET) and Brian Donnelly (Tipperary FET College). Back row: Susana Lucha, David Greene, Barbara Murphy, Clare Dooley, Josh Doran and Jim Delaney. Photos: Odhran Ducie Odhran Ducie
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Tipperary FET (Further Education and Training) College Adult Education awardees who received their Component Certificates at Coláiste Phobal, Roscrea. Front row: Noel Colleran (Tipperary FET College), Deborah Ryan (Tipperary FET College), Mary Jo Kennedy-Deegan (Tipperary FET College), Cllr Roger Kennedy (Chairperson of Tipperary ETB), Fiona Dunford (Tipperary ETB Board), Colin Cummins (Director of FET), Lavinia English (Tipperary FET College) and Damien Croke. Back row: Sinéad Maher, PJ Quinlan, Christopher O’Meara, Rebecca Johnson, Evelyn Ollerenshaw, Veronica Butler and Jackie Flanagan. Odhran Ducie
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Tipperary FET (Further Education and Training) College Adult Education students who received their Level 5 Component Certificate awards, pictured with their tutor, Lorna Murphy, at Coláiste Phobal, Roscrea. Edel Treacy, Chloe Minogue, Kathleen Ryan, Lorna Murphy, Joan Phelan, Joseph Bai Kanu and Nora Ryan. Odhran Ducie
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The Tipperary FET College team at the Adult Education awards ceremony held in Coláiste Phobal, Roscrea. Front row: Noel Colleran, Brian Donnelly, Kathleen Grimes, Cllr Roger Kennedy (Chairperson of Tipperary ETB), Fiona Dunford (Tipperary ETB Board), Colin Cummins, Lavinia English, Fáinche Egan and Mary Jo Kennedy-Deegan. Back row: Ger Maher (Coláiste Phobal), Ciara Ormond (Deputy Principal at Coláiste Phobal), Claudia Belloni, Michael Crowe, Marguerite Ryan, Deborah Ryan, Lorna Murphy, Ester Mackey, Jackie Flanagan and Sinead Harte Jones. Odhran Ducie
Adult education students with Tipperary Education and Training Board (ETB) celebrated at a graduation ceremony in Coláiste Phobal in Roscrea in December.
It was a great occasion for learners from the Lifelong Learning programme at Tipperary ETB's Tipperary FET (Further Education and Training) College, which was attended by friends and family of students, as well as Tipperary ETB staff and tutors who supported the students in achieving QQI certification.
Lavinia English, Adult Literacy Organiser with Tipperary ETB, was the MC on the evening. She welcomed the learners and their families, as well as members of staff.
In his keynote address, Cllr Roger Kennedy, Chairperson of Tipperary ETB, praised the learners and their families for their achievements. He also expressed his appreciation to the tutors who supported the learners on their educational journey. He emphasised the dedication and perseverance of those who returned to the classroom to further their education.
The learner reflection was done by Liam Grimes, who spoke at the event about his journey and pathway within Tipperary ETB, and the positive impact it had on him. He encouraged others to go back to Lifelong Learning and spoke about the benefits of returning to education.
Noel Colleran, Tipperary FET College, and Fiona Dunford, a board member with Tipperary ETB, presented the awards to learners on the evening.
Colin Cummins, Director of FET, gave the closing address thanking all the staff for their hard work and commitment, and congratulated all the learners and their families, encouraging them to continue their education journey with Tipperary FET College.
The modules completed by learners were:
Level 1: Listening and Speaking, Reading and Writing.
Level 2: Relaxation Techniques, Learning through Drama, Food Choice and Health, Life Science Horticulture.
Level 3: Four Stroke Engine Maintenance, Computer Literacy, Spreadsheets, Internet Skills, Communication, Functional Mathematics, Digital Media, Bread Pastry and Deserts, Craft Textiles, Blow Drying Hair.
Level 5: Business Administration Skills, Payroll Manual and Computerised, Bookkeeping Manual and Computerised, Floriculture, Children with Additional Needs, Special Needs assisting, Infection Prevention and Control, Care of the Older Person, Care Skills, Community Health Services, and Cambridge KET (Key English Test).