Questions posed over Shannon pipe to supply to Dublin
A FIRM headed up by a Nenagh woman that is opposed to the piping of water from the River Shannon to Dublin says it has flagged countless errors in the project which its promoters, Uisce Éireann, has failed to address.
“Several submissions made by Kennedy Analysis over the past decade have been disregarded in their entirety with no attempt to address any of the issues raised,” the company states.
The claims have been made by Kennedy Analysis, which is headed up by Emma Kennedy of Tullamore Park, Nenagh.
The firm made the comments in a submission in relation to the non-statutory public consultation on the proposed pipe project, which ended on Tuesday last.
Citing the failure of Uisce Éireann to address the concerns it raised, Kennedy Analysis asks: “If, in ten years time, it emerges that the concerns of Kennedy Analysis were well-placed, and that the proposed pipeline was not the appropriate solution to address Dublin's very serious water supply problems, which individuals will be taking personal responsibility for the waste of billions of euros of taxpayers' money?”
The firm claims that Uisce Éireann and its predecessors in the project have consistently over-estimated the future water deficit for the Greater Dublin Area. It claims the latest analysis on the project contains “incorrect data and practices that are not international best practice, both of which contribute to over-statements of the future water demand”.
Ms Kennedy's firm added: “Is there still no recognition that the analysis for this project has repeatedly been shown to be flawed, that incorrect data has been used again and again, and that there is a high likelihood that this project (if built) will likely prove a White Elephant?”
Kennedy Analysis in its submission has also questioned the commitment of Uisce Éireann to supply water from its proposed pipe to communities in Tipperary and some other counties along the route of the pipe where there is a current significant water need.
Noting Uisce Éireann has stated that it will have infrastructure with capacity for “future offtakes” to serve communities in Tipperary, Offaly and Westmeath, Kennedy Analysis asks: “Are you now suggesting that these communities may not be supplied by the pipeline?”
The company has asked Uisce Éireann to confirm if there exists a solid and firm commitment to providing water to these communities, and to make public the dates which those supplies will commence.