Graveyard mapping project in Kilbarron

The rescheduled Kilbarron Terryglass Historical Society talk on mapping the homes of those buried in Kilbarron Church of Ireland Graveyard will take place on Friday, March 14, in Kilbarron Hall (E45 XY28) at 8pm. Admission: €5.

A continuation of the project of mapping where those who are buried in our old graveyards once lived - Caimin O'Brien, Archaeologist with the National Monuments Service, will give a presentation of this work - ‘Mapping the Homes of Kilbarron Church of Ireland Graveyard’ - an update on the mapping and 3D surveying of the memorials of the people buried in Kilbarron Church of Ireland Graveyard.

The project involves the 3D survey of all 45 memorials in the graveyard, along with the production of a Google Map showing the location of the homes of the people buried in Kilbarron C of I graveyard.

The map also contains images of the deceased, the places they lived along with a biography of their life based on sources available.

So, please come along and bring some information or photographs on the night about anyone you might know who was buried in Kilbarron Church of Ireland graveyard.

Any information brought along on the night can be uploaded to the map, enhancing the story of the people who once lived in the Kilbarron region.

On the night there will be a demonstration of how the Google Map works and we will take a look at some of the stories revealed through the survey about the people buried in this graveyard.