'Online business is booming'

Many local businesses are struggling in the face of online competition, Cllr Phyll Bugler told the February meeting of Nenagh Municipal District.

"Online business is booming," she exclaimed, speaking of the number of people buying from big multinational retailers like Amazon. She inquired about what supports Tipperary Co Council can offer to small local businesses.

Cllr Pamela Quirke O'Meara said Janaury and February were particularly difficult months for business owners this year with two major weather events to contend with. She wondered if the council could provide any financial support in situations where shop or café owners had to pay staff, even though they could not open to trade.

Cllr Séamie Morris agreed that online shopping is a threat to some local businesses but said it has become an “opportunity” for others. He mentioned a number of local businesses that have used online to their benefit and thanked the council for providing assistance. “It’s fascinating to see what people are selling online,” Cllr Morris commented.

Senior Enterprise Development Officer Mary Ryan mentioned a number of supports that the Local Enterprise Office provides, including energy efficiency funding for small shops and cafés. Ms Ryan agreed that many local businesses are benefitting from online trade, often with support from the LEO, which runs start-up business courses with no charge for unemployed participants. Training is provided in the use of social media and even artificial intelligence to promote business, and these courses are run online, so participants don't have to use time travelling to centres.

Ms Ryan agreed that it would be useful to showcase successful local businesses that have used online trade to their advantage.