Unlock the gateway to lifelong participation in physical activity
Sport Ireland launches Understanding Physical Literacy Week
Sport Ireland is encouraging those interested in physical activity and those who support others in being active - such as teachers, coaches, and instructors - to sign up for one of the 20 workshops that we are running nationwide during Understanding Physical Literacy Week (March 22-30).
Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding that enables a person to value and participate in physical activity throughout their life.
Declan O’Leary, Sport Ireland Coaching Development Manager, said: “Physical Literacy is more than movement skills; it’s understanding why movement matters. It's the foundation for lifelong physical activity, well-being, and disease prevention. It can help you unlock the gateway to lifelong participation in physical activity.”
Targeted at those interested in physical activity and those who support others in being active, such as teachers, coaches, and instructors, these Understanding Physical Literacy (UPL) workshops show how Physical Literacy can be used to create positive experiences that promote lifelong participation in sport and physical activity.
Sport Ireland tutors will get participants to consider the definition of physical literacy and how its principles can be included in physical activity so that they contribute to the holistic development of the whole person, which includes their thoughts, feelings, and movements.
Melanie McKee, who is a senior lecturer in PE and Sport at Stranmillis University College, said: “Physical literacy is important because it is both a gateway to and an outcome of lifelong participation in physical activity.
“As physical literacy provides the foundations and pathway for lifelong participation in physical activity, the UPL workshop aims to promote and facilitate a consistent understanding of the all-island definition for physical literacy,” added Melanie, who designed the UPL workshop and delivers tutor training for it.
“It does so by providing a professional development opportunity for practitioners interested in helping others develop their physical literacy throughout the life course.”
Ita Harris of Cork Sports Partnership is just one such person who found herself won over by the principles of physical literacy when she completed the workshop.
“I loved the focus on active living and building your own experience no matter your motivation, commitment or ability or bumps on the road,” she said.
Ita now works as a Coach Developer herself to help support coaches to fulfil their sports leadership roles.
“Physical literacy underpins much of my work - from working with toddlers using action rhymes and songs to facilitating a health and fitness group of older learners to realise the active potential they already have in their everyday lives.”
Brian Sweeney, Secretary of the Irish Swim Coaches Association, said: “The workshops are informative, well-structured and interactive and delivered in a way that ensure the learners engage throughout the workshop.”
Since 2018 Sport Ireland has delivered 85 Understanding Physical Literacy workshops and online seminars around the country and 80 tutors have been trained to deliver courses.
Understanding Physical Literacy Week runs from March 22-30. Workshops are taking place in a number of counties including Dublin, Cavan, Louth, Wexford, Meath, Clare, Kilkenny, Cork, Mayo, Longford, Limerick and Monaghan. There are also a number of online workshops taking place.
For organisations or individuals that would like to host an UPL workshops / webinar please contact coachinginfo@sportireland.ie . The two-and-a-half-hour-long course is open to everyone and suitable for all age groups.