Minister for State with responsibility for Special Education and Inclusion Michael Moynihan cuts the tape to officially open the ASD unit at CBS Primary School, Nenagh, in the presence of William Greene (Principal), Clíodhna Sheary (class teacher), Marion Griffin (SNA), Eileen Ryan Kinane (SNA) and Anida Janitena (SNA). Photos: Bridget Delaney

Minister officially opens autism class

Minister of State visits CBS Primary School

On Friday, March 21, Minister of State for Special Education and Inclusion, Michael Moynihan, visited CBS Primary School, Nenagh to open the school’s new autism class.

Minister Moynihan also announced the opening of the school’s second autism class for next September. Minister Moynihan was accompanied by local TDs Ryan O’ Meara, Alan Kelly and Michael Lowry as well as Councillor JP O’ Meara. Minister Moynihan was greeted by the school’s Student Council on arrival.

Minister Moynihan met pupils and staff from Ms Sheary’s autism class and he was presented with a beautiful, framed piece of artwork created by the pupils.

Minister Moynihan was shown the school’s new sensory room, multi-activity room and outdoor playground which were completed last summer. The Board of Management also presented the minister with development plans for the school’s second autism class, which is due to open in September.

Minister Moynihan along with pupils then officially cut the ribbon to open the school’s new class.

While in the school Minister Moynihan also visited the school’s dedicated nurture room, which helps support pupils social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing. Pupils from this class displayed some of their work for the minister.

Minister Moynihan then met pupils from the school’s Mild General Learning Disability (MGLD) Class.

CBS Primary School has a long history of providing education to pupils with a Mild General Learning Disability. Principal William Greene made the minister aware that unfortunately this class is to close at the end of the school year. He highlighted that at a time when special classes are so highly sought after throughout the country, it was a shame that the MGLD Class is to close. The MGLD class is the only class of its kind in Tipperary and the minister was asked to revisit the decision to close the class in conjunction with the National Council for Special Education.


You can donate money to the CBS Primary School autism class at Your support is greatly appreciated.