The late Liam Whyte.

Passing of former North Tipp senator Liam Whyte

The death took place on Tuesday of last week of Liam Whyte, a former Fine Gael senator and councillor for North Tipperary.
Mr Whyte (92), from Ballyhough, Aglish, was first elected to North Tipperary County Council in 1960 and served as its Chairman in 1968-1969 and again in 1979-1980.
A highly popular councillor and sheep and dairy farmer in Lower Ormond, he was elected to the Agriculture Panel of the Senate in 1973 – a first for a person from the Borrisokane area. During his term in the Upper House  he worked to promote opportunities for young farmers and to improve the lot of famers in general.
He had a deep knowledge on agriculture and how Ireland could take advantage of that sector in the early days of the country's membership of the EEC. He was a holder of a Diploma in Rural Social Science from UCC and had a clear vision on how rural Ireland could maximise the benefits of being part of the greater European union.
He was a member, the last surviving member,  of the original committee that established Portumna Co-Op Mart in 1969. Indeed, one of his last public engagements was to visit the mart to help celebrate its 50th anniversary last October.
A man who was deeply respected for his wise counsel, Mr Whyte contested a total of four general elections for Fine Gael in North Tipperary –  in 1961, 1969, 1973, 1977. While unsuccessful, he generated many votes that won seats for party running mates, most notably the late Tom Dunne in 1969 and 1973.
He was a former Chairman of the North Tipperary Fine Gael Constituency Executive and held numerous influential positions during his many years as a county councillor. He was Vice Chairman of the Mid Western Health Board in the 1970s; he served on the County Committe of Agiruclture as well as  the Vocational Educatioin Committee. He was a representative of North Tipperary County Council on the General Council of County Councils. He was also a former member and Secretary of  the Carrigahorig Drainage Commitee of which he was Secretary, and keen member of Macra na Feirme in his youth.
 Independent TD Michael Lowry paid tribute to Mr Whyte for all the work he had done for people over the years. 
Said Mr Lowry: “It was with great personal sadness I learned of the death of former colleague and friend Liam Whyte after a long and fruitful life. Liam was a committed and dedicated servant of the people.
“In his capacity as a councillor and senator he made a huge contribution in the areas of local government, health board executive, the education and training boards, the agricultural sector and a wide variety of public bodies.
“He earned the respect and support of the people of Lower Ormond area on a consistent basis. Liam was knowledgeable, diligent and efficient in his duties. He had a pleasant personality, which endeared him to all colleagues, irrespective of political persuasion. He was kind, generous of spirit, and a proper gentleman in every way.”
 Married to the late Kathleen (née Brady) of Tullamore, Mr Whyte had  two brothers who were priests and two sisters who were nuns – all of whom predeceased him.
His passing is deeply regretted by Ber and her children Marian, William and Ross and great-granddaughter Sophia, family and friends. Following his Funeral Mass in Aghlish Church last Thursday, Mr Whyte's remains were interred in Aglish Cemetery.